
October 12, 2012. Srila Guru Maharaj Vyasapuja

59th celebration of advent of His Divine Grace Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami Maharaja.


There are many ways to approach Krsna in order to serve Him. However, it becomes difficult unless one receives the benedictions of the spiritual master or guru. Many scriptures decree that it is impossible to make spiritual progress without the mercy of the spiritual master. Therefore, one must develop a trusting bond with the spiritual master and serve him in order to be successful in progressing towards Krsna bhakti.

In order to celebrate the appearance day of the spiritual master, “vyāsa pujā” is celebrated. The term “vyasa puja” is used because the spiritual master is considered the representative of Vyasadeva, the literary incarnation of Krsna. Vyasa Puja is celebrated by offering puspanjali to the spiritual master. The puspanjali consists of reading verses that glorify the spiritual master whose Vyasa Puja is being celebrated, Gaudiya Vaisnava lineage of disciples, as well as verses that glorify Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna, who are also part of the lineage. After completion of each verse, devotees honor their spiritual master with flowers (puspa) in the mood of a humble offering (anjali). The puspanjali ends with a kirtana of the Guru Vandana.

In the Vyasa Puja celebration, disciples of the spiritual master will give offerings in the forms of letters, spiritual gifts from holy pilgrimage sites, or renewing spiritual vows. Disciples will also assemble to recollect moments of their spiritual master and discuss his glories.

Celebración número 59 de llegada de Su Divina Gracia Srila BA Paramadvaiti Swami Maharaja


El Significado de la Vyasa Puja
Se denomina Vyasapuja a la adoración del maestro espiritual en el día de su aparición. Puja significa adorar y Vyasa se refiere a la poderosa encarnación de Dios quien apareció hace 5000 años para recopilar la literatura vedica. Srila Vyasadeva pudo prever la condición degradada de la gente de Kaly Yuga y por lo tanto recopilo millones de versos de la sabiduría védica, para dar a las almas caídas de esta era una oportunidad de alcanzar la perfección de la vida.
Srila Vyasadeva instruyo después a su discípulo Madhvacarya en esta ciencia y así sucesivamente de maestro a discípulo el conocimiento védico a llegado hasta nosotros en una cadena ininterrumpida de maestros espirituales puros, quienes son los representante fidedignos de Vyasadeva. Por lo tanto Vyasapuja significa adorar al representante de Vyasadeva, quien esta en la cadena de sucesión discipular.