
April 25, 2013. Sri Vamsivadana Thakura appearance.

Sri Vansivadananda Thakura appeared on the full moon day of the month of Caitra. Within Kuliya exist the villages, Teghari. Beciyava, Bedrapara and Cinedanga. The sons of Srikar Chattopadhyay moved from Bilvagram (Patuli) to Beciyanagram. Sri Sri Yudhisthir Chattopadhyay had three sons: Madhava das (Chakari Chattopadhyoy), Sri Hari dasa (Tin Kari) and Sri Krsna Sampati (Dui Kari).

When Mahaprabhu came from Puri to have darshan of his mother and the river Ganges he stayed for seven days
in the house of Madhava dasa at Kulia. At this time he excused Devananda Pandit along with all of the offenses of everyone else. Therefore the place came to be known as 'Aparadh Banjan Pat.'

Sri Vamsi Thakura appeared in the home of Sri Madhava dasa. His mother's name was Srimati Candrakala Devi. Vansivadananda is the incarnation of Sri Krsna's flute. On the day of his birth Mahaprabhu was present in the house of Sri Madhava das, along with Sri Advaita Acarya. Madhava was very devoted to Mahaprabhu and Prabhu was also very affectionate to him and his son Vansi. Vansi das was present at Navadwipa when Acarya Prabhu came there.

Vamsi was engaged in the service of Visnupriya and was the receptacle of her unlimited mercy. One time Visnupriya devi and Vansi Thakura decided to give up taking food and water, there not being any point in maintaining their bodies which were so racked with the pain of separation from Mahaprabhu. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, however, didn't approve of this and manifested Himself before them. Then He requested them not to behave so rashly, and then instructed them both to worship His Deity form in order to mitigate their feelings of separation.

After Visnupriya's disappearance Vamsivadana brought this Deity of Mahaprabhu from Mayapura to Kulia. This Deity of Mahaprabhu is very beautiful and is still being worshipped in the present town of Navadwip. The name of the temple and Deity is Dhameswara. It is said that the name Vansivadananda is carved into the underneath of the base of the Deity.

When his descendent, Ramacandra Gosvami came to live at Baghna Para by the mercy of Jahnava Mata, the worship of the Deity passed into the hands of the residents of Malancha.

There was a Deity of Gopinath at Kulic worshipped by Vamsi's ancestors and he personally installed a Deity of Pranaballabha at their home in Kulia. Where these Deities are at present is unknown. Vamsi Thakur resided at Bilvagram for some time with his relatives there. He had two sons, Sri Caitanya dasa and Sri Nityananda dasa. The two sons of Caitanya dasa were Sri Rama­candra and Sri Sacinandana. Ramacandra was the adopted son and disciple of Jahnava Mata. He established the worship of Sri Sri Kanai Balai at Baghna Para. As he never married the worship passed on to his brother Sacinandana whose descendants are the resident Gosvamis there.

Sri Vansivadananda was a poet and composer of songs. He composed one song about the Lord's acceptance of sannyasa based on the lamentations of Sri Sacimata and Sri Visnupriya. Some say that Ramai (Ramacandra Gosvami), the son of Caitanya dasa (Vansi Thakura's son) Gosai was an incarnation of Vansi Thakura.


 vamshi krishna-priya yasit sa vamshi-dasa-thakkurah
Vamshivadanananda Thakur fue la flauta de Krishna en Vraja.
(Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 179)

Las gopis oraron por la buena fortuna de la flauta de Krishna, porque era capaz de beber constantemente el néctar de los labios de Krishna. Todo en Vraja es espiritual, es decir, consciente, por lo que la flauta puede tomar forma humana como Sri Vamshivadana Thakur. La historia de su vida ha sido contada por su nieto, Shrivallabha Das, en el libro Vamshi-vilasa.

Vamsivadananda Thakura escribió muchos dulces poemas que expresan su devoción a Krishna.

Se dice que tanto Mahaprabhu como Sri Advaita Acharya estaban presentes cuando Vamshivadana nació. Después que Mahaprabhu tomara sannyas, Vamshivadana fue sirviente y protector de Sachi Mata y Vishnupriya .

Cuando Srinivas Acharya llegó a Nabadwip a ver a la familia del Señor, Vamshi lo abrazó emocionado.Aunque no se habian presentado, Vamshivadana adivino que debia ser Srinivas. Él se le acercó y le preguntó quién era. Srinivas le contó todo acerca de sí mismo. Vamshivadana lo abrazó y se lavó el cuerpo con sus lágrimas. Srinivas quería caer al suelo y ofrecer reverencias a Vamshi Thakur, pero Vamshi no se lo permitió. Entonces fue y le dijo a Vishnupriya Ishvari y a Madre Sachi que Srinivas que había llegado. (Bhakti-Ratnakara 4,20-24).

Vamshivadana Thakur vivió como un cabeza de familia. Tenía dos hijos, Chaitanya Das y Nityananda Das. El nombre de su deidad fue Pranavallabha. Más tarde, a petición de Vishnupriya Devi, estableció el culto de la deidad de Mahaprabhu. También adoraba a la deidad Gopinath de sus antepasados​​. Pasó la última parte de la vida en su aldea ancestral de Bilvagrama.