
8 February 2015 Disappearance. Sri Purusottama Das Thakura

"The twenty-third and twenty-fourth prominent devotees of Nityananda Prabhu were Sadasiva Kaviraja and his son Purusottama Dasa, who was the tenth Gopala. From birth, Purusottama Dasa plunged into the service of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, and was always busy playground with Lord Krishna. "[CC Adi 11.8-39]

"Sri Sadasiva Kaviraja was very lucky. The name of his son was Sri Purusottama days. Never was aware of his material body externally. Nityananda Candra revealed many pastimes within his heart." [C. B. Antya 5 / 741-742]

Purusottama Sri Thakura had three main disciples, Sri Madhavacarya, Sri Yadavacarya and Devakinandana dasa, who were born in brahmana families Kulina. Madhavacarya married the daughter of Nityananda Prabhu, Ganga-devi. Devakinandana was the author of Vaishnav-vandane. The Sripat of Purusottama Thakura was previously in Sukhasagar. Now, their deities are in Candriya Gram.

This temple is called Vasu-Jahnava Pat. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Kanai Thakura's son Purusottama, was the adopted son of Sri Jahnava.

Purusottama Sri Thakur was the shepherd Stoka Krishna in the Krishna-lila.

Los vigésimo tercero y vigésimo cuarto devotos prominentes de Nityananda Prabhu fueron Sadasiva Kaviraja y su hijo Purusottama Dasa, que fue el décimo Gopala. Desde su nacimiento, Purusottama Dasa se sumergió en el servicio de los pies de loto del Señor Nityananda Prabhu, y estaba siempre ocupado en juegos infantiles con el Señor Krishna”. [C.C. Adi 11.8-39]

"Sri Sadasiva Kaviraja fue muy afortunado. El nombre de su hijo fue Sri Purusottama das. Nunca estuvo consciente externamente de su cuerpo material. Nityananda Candra revelo muchos pasatiempos dentro de su corazón". [C.B. Antya 5/741-742]

Sri Purusottama Thakura tuvo tres discípulos principales: Sri Madhavacarya, Sri Yadavacarya y Devakinandana dasa, que nacieron en familias Kulina brahmana. Madhavacarya se casó con la hija de Nityananda Prabhu, Ganga-Devi. Devakinandana fue el autor del libro Vaishnav-vandane. El Sripat de Purusottama Thakura estaba anteriormente en Sukhasagar. Ahora, sus deidades están en Candriya Gram.

Este templo es llamado Vasu-Jahnava Pat. Quizá esto se deba al hecho de que Kanai Thakura, el hijo de Purusottama, fue el hijo adoptivo de Sri Jahnava.

Sri Purusottama Thakura fue el pastorcillo Stoka-Krishna en el Krisna-lil