
April 21, 2013. Kamada Ekadasi.

(from the Varaha Purana)
Sri SUta GoswAmi said, “Oh sages, let me offer my humble and respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord Hari, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, by whose mercy I can describe the fast day that removes all kinds of sins. It was to the devoted Yudhisthira that Lord Krishna glorified the twenty-four primary EkAdasiis, which destroy sin, and now I shall recount one of those narrations to you. Great-learned sages have selected these twenty-four narrations from the eighteen PurANas, for they are truly sublime.
“Yudhishthira MahArAja said, ‘Oh Lord Krishna, Oh VAsudeva, please accept my humble obeisances. Please describe to me the EkAdasii that occurs during the light part of the month of Chaitra [March-April]. What is its name, and what are its glories?’
“Lord Sri Krishna replied, ‘Oh Yudhishthira, please listen to Me attentively as I relate the ancient history of this sacred Ekadasii, a history Vasishtha Muni once related to King Dilipa, the great-grandfather of Lord Ramachandra.

“‘King Dilipa asked the great sage Vasishtha, “Oh wise brAhmana, I wish to hear about the EkAdasii that comes during the light part of the month of Chaitra. Please describe it to me.”
“‘Vasishtha Muni replied, “Oh king, your inquiry is glories. Gladly shall I tell you what you wish to know. The Ekadasii that occurs during the light fortnight of Chaitra is named KAmadA Ekadasi. It consumes all sins, as a forest fire consumes a supply of dry firewood. It is very purifying, and it bestows the highest merit upon one who faithfully observes it. Oh king, now hear an ancient history which is so meritorious that it removes all one’s sins simply by being heard.

“‘”Once, long ago, there existed a city-state named Ratnapura, which was decorated with gold and jewels and in which sharp-fanged snakes would enjoy intoxication. King Pundarika was the ruler of this most beautiful kingdom, which numbered many Gandharvas, Kinnaras, and ApsarAs among its citizens.

“‘”Among the Gandharvas were Lalita and his wife LalitA, who was an especially lovely dancer. These two were intensely attracted to each other, and their home was full of great wealth and fine food. LalitA loved her husband dearly, and likewise he constantly thought of her within his heart.

“‘”Once, at the court of King Pundarika, many Gandharvas were dancing and Lalita was singing alone, without his wife. He could not help thinking about her as he sang, and because of this distraction he lost track of the song’s meter and melody. Indeed, Lalita sang the ending of his song improperly, and one of the envious snakes who was in attendance at the king’s court complained to the king that Lalita was absorbed in thinking of his wife instead of his sovereign. the king became furious upon hearing this, and his eyes turned crimson with rage. Suddenly he shouted, ‘Oh foolish knave, because you were lustfully thinking of a woman instead of reverently thinking of your king as you performed your court duties, I curse you to at once become a cannibal!’

“‘”Oh king, Lalita immediately became a fearful cannibal, a great man-eating demon whose appearance terrified everyone. His arms were eight miles long, his mouth was as big as a huge cave, his eyes were as awesome as the sun and moon, his nostrils resembled enormous pits in the earth, his neck was a veritable mountain, his hips were four miles wide, and his gigantic body stood a full sixty-four miles high. Thus poor Lalita, the loving Gandharva singer, had to suffer the reaction of his offense against King Pundarika.

“‘”Seeing her husband suffering as a horrible cannibal, LalitA became overwhelmed with grief. She thought, ‘Now that my dear husband is suffering the effects of the kings’ curse, what is to be my lot? What should I do? Where should I go?’ In this way LalitA grieved day and night. Instead of enjoying life as a Gandharvas wife, she had to wander everywhere in the thick jungle with her monstrous husband, who had fallen completely under the spell of the king’s curse and was wholly engaged in terrible sinful activities. He wandered fitfully across forbidding region, a once-beautiful Gandharva now reduced to the ghastly behaviour of a man-eater. Utterly distraught to see her dear husband suffer so much in his dreadful condition, LalitA began to cry as she followed his mad journeying.

“‘”By good fortune, however, LalitA came upon the sage Shringi one day. He was sitting on the peak of the famous VindhyAchala Hill. Approaching him, she immediately offered the ascetic her respectful obeisances. The sage noticed her bowing down before him and said, ‘Oh most beautiful one, who are you? Whose daughter are you, and why have you come here? Please tell me everything in truth.’
“‘”LalitA replied, ‘Oh great sage, I am the daughter of the great Gandharva ViradhanvA, and my name is LalitA. I roam the forests and plains with my dear husband, whom King Pundarika has cursed to become a man-eating demon. Oh brAhmana, I am greatly aggrieved to see his ferocious form and terribly sinful activities. Oh master, please tell me how I can perform some act of atonement on behalf of my husband. What pious act can I perform to free him from this demonic form, Oh best of brAhmanas?’

“ ‘The sage replied, ‘Oh heavenly maiden, there is an EkAdasii named KAmadA that occurs in the light fortnight of the month of Chaitra. It is coming up soon. Whoever fasts on this day has all his desires fulfilled. If you observe this EkAdasii fast according to its rules and regulations and give the merit you thus earn to your husband, he will be freed from the curse at once.’ LalitA was overjoyed to hear these words from the sage.

“‘”Lalita faithfully observed the fast of KAmadA EkAdasii according to the instructions of the sage Shringi, and on DvAdasi she appeared before him and the Deity of Lord VAasudeva and said, ‘I have faithfully observed the fast of Kamada Ekadasii. By the merit earned through my observance of this fast, let my husband be free from the curse that has turned him into a demoniac cannibal. May the merit I have gained thus free him from misery.’
“‘”As soon as LalitA finished speaking, her husband, who stood nearby, was at once freed from the king’s curse. He immediately regained his original form as the Gandharva Lalita, a handsome heavenly singer adorned with many beautiful ornaments. Now, with his wife LalitA, he could enjoy even more opulence than before. All this was accomplished by the power and glory of KAmadA EkAdasii. At last the Gandharva couple boarded a celestial airplane and ascended to heaven.”‘

“Lord Sri Krishna continued, ‘Oh Yudhishthira, best of kings, anyone who hears this wonderful narration should certainly observe holy Kamada EkAdasii to the best of his ability, such great merit does it bestow upon the faithful devotee. I have therefore described its glories to you for the benefit of all humanity.

There is no better Ekadasi than Kamada EkAdasii. It can eradicate even the sin of killing a brAhmana, and it also nullifies demoniac curses and cleanses the consciousness. In all the three worlds, among movable and immovable living entities, there is no better day’”
Desde el Varaha Purana)

Sri Suta Goswami dijo: "Oh sabios, permítanme ofrezcer mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias al Supremo Señor Hari, Bhagavan Sri Krishna, el hijo de Devaki y Vasudeva, por cuya misericordia puedo describir el día de ayuno que remueve toda clase de pecados. Fue a Yudhisthira devoto de Sri Krishna a quien se le narró los veinticuatro Ekadasis principales, que destruyen el pecado, y ahora voy a relatar una de esas narraciones en su caso.

"Yudhisthira Maharaja dijo:" Oh Señor Krishna, Vasudeva Oh, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Por favor describame el Ekadasi que ocurre durante la parte clara del mes de Chaitra [marzo-abril]. ¿Cuál es su nombre, y cuáles son sus glorias?
"Señor Sri Krishna respondió:" Oh Yudhisthira, por favor, escúchame atentamente mientras me narro la historia este sagrado Ekadasi, una historia  del bisabuelo del Señor Ramachandra.
"El rey Dilipa preguntó al gran sabio Vasishtha," Oh sabio brahmana, deseo escuchar acerca del Ekadasi que ocurre durante la parte clara del mes de Chaitra. Por favor, describa a mí ".
"Vasishtha Muni replicó," Oh rey, su consulta es glorias. Con mucho gusto voy a decirte lo que quieres saber. El Ekadasi que ocurre durante la quincena clara del Chaitra se llama Kamada Ekadasi. Consume todos los pecados, como un incendio forestal consume una cantidad de leña seca. Es muy depurativa, y otorga el más alto mérito a quien fielmente lo observa.
"Una vez, hace mucho tiempo, existió una ciudad-estado llamada Ratnapura, que estaba decorada con oro y joyas y en la que las serpientes con colmillos afilados gozarían intoxicación. Rey Pundarika era el gobernante de este reino más hermoso, que contaba con muchos Gandharvas, Kinnaras y apsaras entre sus ciudadanos.
"" Entre los Gandharvas estaban Lalita y su esposo, quien era una bailarina especialmente encantadora. Estos dos fueron intensamente atraídos el uno al otro, y su casa estaba llena de una gran riqueza y la buena comida. Lalita amaba a su marido mucho, y del mismo modo que constantemente pensaba en ella en su corazón.
"Una vez, en la corte del rey Pundarika, muchos Gandharvas estaban bailando y Lalita estaba cantando solo, sin su esposa. No podía dejar de pensar en ella mientras cantaba, y debido a esta distracción perdió la noción de metro y la melodía de la canción. En efecto, Lalita cantó el final de su canción incorrectamente, y una de las serpientes envidiosas que estaba presente en la corte del rey se quejó al rey que Lalita estaba absorta en pensar en su esposo en lugar de su soberano. el rey se enfureció al oír esto, y sus ojos se pusieron rojos de rabia. De repente, gritó: "¡Oh bellaco tonta, porque estabas pensando lujuriosamente a una mujer en vez de pensar con reverencia de vuestro rey que ha realizado sus deberes judiciales, yo te maldigo a la vez convertirse en un caníbal!
" Oh rey, Lalita inmediatamente se convirtió en un caníbal, un gran demonio devorador de hombres cuyo aspecto aterrorizado todo el mundo. Sus brazos tenían ocho millas de largo, tenía la boca tan grande como una enorme cueva, sus ojos eran tan impresionante como el sol y la luna, su nariz parecían enormes hoyos en la tierra, su cuello era una verdadera montaña, sus caderas cuatro millas de ancho , y su gigantesco cuerpo quedó un total de sesenta y cuatro millas de altura. Así pobre Lalita, el cantante Gandharva amoroso, tuvo que sufrir la reacción de su ofensiva contra el rey Pundarika.
" Al ver a su marido el sufrimiento como un caníbal horrible, Lalita fue abrumada por la pena. Ella pensó: "Ahora que mi querido esposo está sufriendo los efectos de la maldición del rey ¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Dónde debo ir? De esta manera Lalita afligida día noche. En lugar de disfrutar de la vida como esposa Gandharva, tuvo que vagar por todas partes en la espesa selva con su monstruoso marido, que se había quedado completamente bajo el hechizo de la maldición del rey y fue totalmente dedicada a terribles actividades pecaminosas.

" Por suerte, sin embargo, Lalita vio al sabio Shringi un día. Estaba sentado en la cima de la famosa Vindhy Achala Hill. Acercándose a él, ella se ofreció inmediatamente el asceta sus respetuosas reverencias. El sabio la notó postrándose ante él y le dijo, 'Oh más hermosa, ¿quién eres? Hija de quién eres y por qué has venido aquí? Por favor, dime que todo en la verdad. "
"' Lalita respondió:' Oh gran sabio, soy la hija del gran Gandharva Viradhanva, y mi nombre es Lalita. Vago por los bosques y llanuras con mi querido esposo, a quien el rey Pundarika ha maldecido a ser un demonio devorador de hombres. Oh Brahmana, estoy enormemente agraviada a ver su forma feroz y terrible actividades pecaminosas. Oh maestro, por favor dígame cómo puedo realizar algún acto de desagravio en nombre de mi marido. ¿Qué acto piadoso puedo realizar para liberarlo de esta forma demoníaca, Oh mejor de los brahmanas?
"'El sabio respondió:" Oh doncella celestial, hay un Ekadasi llamado Kamada que ocurre en la quincena del mes de Chaitra. Está llegando a ser pronto. El que ayuna en este día cumplira todos sus deseos. Si observa este Ekadasi rápido de acuerdo a sus normas y reglamentos, y da el mérito que lo gana a su marido, él será liberado de la maldición a la vez. "
'" Lalita fielmente observó el ayuno de Kamada Ekadasi de acuerdo a las instrucciones del sabio Shringi y en Dvadasi apareció ante él y la Deidad del Señor Vasudeva y dijo: "He observado fielmente el ayuno de Kamada Ekadasi. Por el mérito ganado por mi observancia de este ayuno, que mi marido está libre de la maldición que le ha convertido en un caníbal endemoniado. Que el mérito que he adquirido, lo libere de la miseria. "
" Tan pronto como Lalita terminó de hablar, su marido, que estaba cerca, era a la vez liberado de la maldición del rey. Inmediatamente recuperó su forma original como el Gandharva Lalita, un cantante celestial hermoso adornado con muchos ornamentos hermosos. Ahora, con su esposa Lalita, podría disfrutar aún más la opulencia de antes. Todo esto se llevó a cabo por el poder y la gloria de Kamada Ekadasi. Finalmente la pareja se subió a un avión Gandharva celestial y ascendió al cielo. "'
"Señor Sri Krishna continuó:" Oh Yudhisthira, el mejor de los reyes, el que escucha esta maravillosa narración sin duda debe observar santo Kamada Ekadasi a la medida de sus posibilidades. Por tanto, he descrito sus glorias a usted para el beneficio de toda la humanidad.
No hay mejor Ekadasi de Kamada Ekadasi. Se puede erradicar incluso el pecado de matar a un brahmana, y también anula las maldiciones demoníacas y limpia la conciencia. En todos los tres mundos, entre las entidades vivientes móviles e inmóviles, no hay mejor día "