
July 22, 2012. Sri Raghunandana Thakura disappearence

Sri Mukunda Das, Madhava Das and Sri Narahari Sorkar Thakur were three brothers who lived in the village of Sri Khanda. Raghunandan was the son of Sri Mukunda Das. [C. C. Mad 15]
In the house of Sri Mukunda Das, who lives at Sri Khanda, Lord Sri Gopinath is served with great devotion. One day Mukunda was called out to do some work, and then he instructed his son Raghunandan to worship the deity and asked him to serve the Lord Gopinath that day. He explained to him that this deity is in our family for many generations and thus He has been worshipped by my father and his father and his father on and on, in this way for many years. Just as your mother feeds you and I everyday, so also He has to be fed everyday. Having explained to Raghunandan that this is a very big responsibility and he should be very careful to give his full attention to this service, Mukunda went out. Raghunandan meanwhile having been instructed by his father, collected the items for offering to Sri Gopinathji and entered into the deity room. Raghunandan was at that time barely 5 years old and therefore, when he saw that Gopinath hadn’t eaten the offering after he had imitated how his father offered the bhoga, he became very worried. Ultimately he simply requested Gopinath with tears in his eyes: “Please eat! Eat!” Gopinath became completely subjected by Raghunandan’s simple request, which was made entirely in love, and thus he stealthily ate up everything without leaving any remnants.

After some time Raghu-nandan’s father, Mukunda, returned and asked his son if he had done as he was told? When his son replied “Yes”, then Mukunda asked him to bring some of the prasadam. Raghunandan replied, “Prasadam? I offered everything just like you told me, and Gopinath ate everything; so what should I bring you now?” Mukunda was completely taken aback. “This boy is not naughty and is always accustomed to speak the truth. I doubt if he could have eaten everything. I wonder what actually happened?”

Musing on this matter in this way for some time, on another day his curiosity was so stirred that he again requested Raghunandan to offer the bhoga to Gopinath on that day. On this day however, having gone out of the house, he again came in by another way and remained hiding in one place. Raghunandan was very happy to be able to serve Sri Gopinathji again and brought everything into the deity room. As before, he again very insistently persuaded Gopinath to take his meal. As Gopinath had eaten half of a laddu, he espied Mukunda peering out from his hiding spot. He didn’t try to cover up the fact that he had eaten what he had, but neither did he eat anymore. Seeing all this Mukunda was completely immersed in ecstatic love and picked up his son and put him on his lap. He extolled his virtues in a voice trembling with ecstasy, all the while torrents of tears of joy falling from his eyes. Even today, those who are greatly fortunate can still see that half-eaten laddu in Gopinatha’s lotus hand. Thus Sri Uddhav das sings the glories of Raghunandan, who is non different from Madan(Cupid).

Raghunandan was present at the khetori utsob. In Krsna lila he was Kandarpa manjari & in Dwaraka lila he was Sri Krsna’s son Kandarpa. Raghunandan’s son is Kanai Thakur. His descendants are still residing at Sri Khanda. Sri Khanda can be easily reached from Katwa by bus or train. He was born in the year 1432 Sakabda.

Raghunandana Thakura nació en Srikhanda, cerca de Katva, en una familia Kaviraja, un linaje de doctores ayurvédicos. Raghunandana fue hijo de Mukunda Kaviraja, quien era un doctor tan notable que hasta los reyes lo llamaban para su tratamiento. Raghunandana permaneció soltero toda su vida. Su figura era extraordinariamente hermosa y era muy aficionado a la danza. Desde el comienzo fue devoto naturalmente.
La familia de Mukunda Thakura adoraba una Deidad ancestral en casa. Una vez, cuando Raghunandana era muy joven y ya había recibido el cordón sagrado y permiso para la adoración, su padre le dijo: "Me marcho fuera y no regresaré a tiempo.

Por favor adora a la Deidad y dale de comer, ofrécele bhoga para Su comida" Su expresión fue: "Por favor trata de alimentar a mi Deidad".

Cuando él padre se fue, la madre de Raghunandana cocinó muchas preparaciones y las trajo al templo y le pidió a Raghunandana que las ofreciera a la Deidad.

Generalmente las puertas se mantienen cerradas durante la ofrenda. Así, con las puertas cerradas, Raghunandana ofreció y oró al Señor:

- Por favor, come estos manjares que te estoy ofreciendo.

Pero la Murti no respondió ni vino a comer. Raghunandana empezó a llorar:

- ¡Mi padre me reprenderá! Él me ha pedido que te alimente y Tú no estás comiendo. Seré castigado. ¡Tienes que comerte esta comida!

El sincero muchacho empezó a gritar de tal manera que Krishna tuvo que comer.

Raghunandana estuvo satisfecho y salió del cuarto de la Deidad y su madre vino a retirar el prasadam.

- ¿Qué es esto? Todos los platos están vacíos.

- Tú me pediste que alimentara a la Deidad, Ella ha comido Raghunandana respondió.

- Tú, muchacho, ¡tú te la has comido! La Deidad no come. Nosotros se lo ofrecemos, pero todo permanece y después nosotros tomamos el prasadam. Tú muchacho travieso, te has convertido en un pillo, te has comido todo -dijo su madre con enojo.

- No, no, yo no fui, la Deidad se lo comió todo.

- ¡Esto es imposible, muchacho tonto! ¿Piensas que también soy tonta? ¡Esto nunca puede suceder!

- No, estoy diciendo la verdad -él empezó a llorar.

- Está bien, deja que tu padre venga y se lo contaré para que te castigue.

Mukunda regresó y la madre de Raghunandana se quejó:

- Tu muchacho ha crecido para convertirse en un pillo. Él dice que la Deidad ha comido.

Raghunandana también suplicó a su padre:

- Sí, la Deidad ha comido. Ella no quería hacerlo al principio, pero empecé a llorar y luego comió.

- ¿Es esto verdad?

- Sí, es verdad padre, no estoy mintiendo.

- ¿Puedes enseñármelo?

- Trataré.

Así, le fue dada otra oportunidad de hacer la adoración y desde un lugar escondido, su padre pudo ver que la Deidad realmente tomaba la comida.

¡Tal devoto era Raghunandana Thakura! Cuando él danzaba en sankirtana, era una escena tan encantadora que aún Mahaprabhu era atraído. Durante el Ratha-yatra de Jagannatha siete grupos especiales solían cantar y danzar, y en el grupo de Srikhanda encontramos que Raghunandana era el bailarín.

Sri Raghunandana Thakura, se le considera como Pradyumna-avatara. Se dice también que cerca de las riberas del lago Madhu-puskarini existe un árbol jambu y de acuerdo con su deseo, dos flores kadamba brotan en ese árbol todos los días para la adoración de su Deidad.