
July 3, 2012. Disappearance of Srila Sanatana Gosvami

Sanatana, or Santosha as he was named at birth, was born in Jessore in East Bengal (present-day Bangladesh) in 1488 as the son of Mukunda, the private secretary of the Sultan of Bengal, Jalaluddin Fateh Shah (ruled 1481-1487 CE). Sanatana was the eldest son of Mukunda, and his younger brothers were Amara (Rupa Goswami) and Srivallabha (Anupama).
Sanatana and his brothers studied Nyaya (rhetortic) and Vedanta from the famous logician Vasudeva Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. They also studied under Sarvabhauma's brother, Madhusudana Vidyavacaspati, from whom Sanatana took initiation in his childhood.
On the death of his father, Sanatana was forced to take up the post of Sakara Mallika (treasurer) to the new ruler of Bengal, Alauddin Hussein Shah (ruled 1493-1519 CE), while his brother Rupa was given the post of Dabir-i-khas (private secretary).

Sanatana and Rupa received land from the government for their personal use in Fatehbad, where they built a huge palace. They also built several beautiful mansions at Ramakeli. It was at Ramakeli in 1510 that Sanatana and his two brothers met Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time. After meeting them, Chaitanya gave them the names Rupa, Sanatana and Anupama. Due to this meeting, the brothers decided to renounce the world and join Chaitanya and his entourage. Rupa resigned from his post, but Sanatana’s resignation was refused by the Sultan. Sanatana stopped coming to court and feigned sickness. But when the Sultan sent his personal physicians to treat Sanatana they returned and reported that Sanatana was in perfectly good health. The Sultan personally visited Sanatana and tried to convince him to continue to render his governmental duties and accompany him on a military campaign against the neighnoring state of Orissa. Upon Sanatana’s refusal, Hussein Shah had him thrown into prison.
While in prison, Sanatana received a letter from his brother Rupa telling him that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had left Puri to go to Vrindavana and that Rupa and Anupama had decided to meet him there. Sanatana managed to bribe the jailer with money Rupa had sent him for emergencies. Sanatana then crossed the Ganges River and made his way towards Vrindavana.

Sanatana Goswami returned to Vrindavana, where he located various lost holy places. He also established the worship of the deity of Madana-mohana. Soon after Sanatana discovered the deity, a rich officer in the Moghul army named Krishna Dasa Kapura built a temple for Madana-mohan. This later became one of the seven principal temples of Vrindavana.
Sanatana Goswami died in the year 1558 CE. His samādhi (tomb) is located next to the Madana-mohana temple.

 Samadhi of Srila Sanatan Goswami in Vrindavana

3 de julio 2012. Desaparición de Srila Sanatana Goswami  
Sri Sanatana Gosvami es el mayor de los seis Gosvamis o maestros del Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sri Sanatana y Sri Rupa eran hermanos, y Sri Jiva Gosvami era su sobrino, el hijo de su hermano menor Sri Anupama. Srí Caitanya Mahaprabhu encargó a Sri Sanatana y a Rupa la tarea de restaurar la gloria perdida de los lugares sagrados dentro del Circulo de Mathura, por medio de la construcción de templos, escribiendo tratados sistemáticos sobre Bhakti, introduciendo prácticas Vaishnavas, y predicando la doctrina a través de las regiones central y occidental de la India.

Desde su niñez, Sanatana sentía una predilección especial por el Bhagavata. Su "Brihat Bhagavatamrta" es el fruto del estudio y su devoción por el Bhagavatam durante toda su vida.
Alrededor del año 1514, después de tomar Sanyas, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fue a visitar a Sri Sanatana en la Villa de Ramakeli. Alli Caitanya Mahaprabhu le confirió el nombre de Sanatana y a su hermano el de Sri Rupa. El Darsan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cambió la vida de los dos hermanos llevándolos de su ministerio principesco al asceticismo extremo.

Siendo un gran asceta, al llegar a Vrndabana Sanatana realizó la circunvalación de los doce "vans" de las tierras de los pasatiempos de Sri Krisna en el Círculo de Mathura, pasando cada noche bajo un árbol o en un bosque. Asi descubrio lugares olvidados asociados con los pasatiempos de Sri Krisna, lo cual le llevo alrededor de un año.

Dia y noche se mantuvo activo ejecutando el mandato de Sri Caitanya. Su corazón estaba inundado de simpatia y de bondad.
Sri Sanatana tenia la costumbre de vivir en distintos bosques, en épocas, lugares y cuevas diferentes, tales como la de Chakratirtha en Govardhana, Vaithal en Kikilavana, en la margen occidental del lago Manasi-ganga en Govardhana, y así sucesivamente.
Muchas historias piadosas han sido asociadas con Sanatana, demostrando su extraordinaria devoción a Dios y su desprecio total por la comodidad personal.

Mientras Sanatana permaneció en Govardhana, se hizo el propósito de circunvalarlo todos los días.
En Vrndabana, instaló la Deidad de Madan Mohan.Un discípulo de Sanatana, de nombre Ramdas, quien era un comerciante muy rico de Multan, en el Punjab, presionó a su Guru para que aceptase su servicio. Sanatana le pidió que hiciese el mejor uso posible de su riqueza construyendo un templo. Ramdas construyó el templo de Madanmohan y el sendero de piedras rojas que va desde el templo al ghat en el Yamuna.
El samadhi de Sanatana está situado al lado del templo de Madana-Mohana.