
July 3, 2012. Guru (Vyasa) Purnima

It is hallowed tradition to dedicate every spiritual rendering in recitation or script to the auspicious divinities of all creative effort: We begin by remembering Shri Ganesh, the auspicious deity presiding as the origin of all Creation, including literature and the Arts, with the power to illumine our thoughts; the next deity is Shri Sharada, also known as Saraswati, who rests on the tongue as the source of inspiration behind subtle and refined sound, to bring forth all classical and new creative works that contribute to universal enchantment; and then, we seek the Grace of Shri Guru, which alone makes any of this possible.

Guru Purnima is one of the most auspicious festivals celebrated throughout the length and breadth of India. It is celebrated on the occasion of the Full Moon in the month of Ashadh according to the Hindu lunar almanac, usually falling in July each year.

Guru Purnima is also known as Vyas Purnima, in honour of the learned Sage Vyas, who organised the structure of the Vedas, the fountainhead of all ancient learning. The supreme godhead Brahma brought forth the Vedas from his head and transmitted them to the Sage Narada, who in turn passed them on to Vyas for editing and teaching. He thus came to be known as Rishi Veda Vyas. He also authored many philosophical works, in addition to the major historical rendering (itihas) of Mahabharat. Entrusted with this onerous task, the Sage is said to have invoked Shri Ganesh, the deity of learning and arts, who agreed to assist in writing the great manuscript, on the condition that Vyas did not pause in his dictation! Vyas in turn instructed the deity not to pause in his effort in case he did not understand something, but to simply proceed with the writing. Thus were composed the original 6,00,000 verses of the great epic poem.

3 de julio 2012. Guru (Vyasa) Purnima

Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa autor del Mahabharata, advino en el día de luna llena, Purnima, del mes de Asadh.
Veda Vyasa reunió todos los himnos védicos existentes en su época.
“Él dividió el Veda en cuatro, a saber, Rig, Yajur, Sama y Atharva veda. Las historias y los Puranas se dice que son el quinto Veda”(Brahmanda Purana 1.4.21)
Luego se los enseñó a sus cuatro principales discípulos: Paila, Vaisampayana, Jaimini y Sumantu. Fue esta división y edición que le valió el honorífico nombre de "Vyasa". 
Guru Purnimaesla gran festividad en honor al sabio Vyasa, quien es considerado el compilador de los Vedas ( las escrituras sagradas de la India), y por lo tanto el Maestro Espiritual y Guru de toda la humanidad.
Guru Purnima, es el día del año en el que los Gurus espirituales son reverenciados y homenajeados recordando sus vidas y enseñanzas. En este día se adora no sólo al Guru personal,  sino también a la forma universal del maestro.