
October 24, 2012. Ramacandra Vijayotsava

In Vijayotsava marks the victory of Sri Rama on asura king Ravana. Sri Rama Vijayotsava represents that killed the great demon Ravana. Rama, the eldest son and Prince of the Kingdom of Ayodhya, leave to remain in the kingdom and live in the forests to fulfill a promise made by his father, his stepmother. He goes along with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana.

Ravana, the asura king of the kingdom of Lanka, entranced by the beauty of Sita, is kidnapped. Rama and his brother with the help of monkeys, including Hanuman, rescued his wife on the day of Vijayotsava, to return to Ayodhya, his kingdom, for he had already fulfilled the promise of the Father.
With Ravana dead demigods Rishis and felt blessed and had not enjoyed peace for a long time. To celebrate this victory, in the evening a huge effigy of Ravana is burnt at the stake, followed by a fireworks display.

En Vijayotsava se celebra la victoria de Sri Rama sobre el rey asura Ravana. Vijayotsava representa que Sri Rama mata al gran demonio Ravana. Rama, el primogénito y príncipe del Reino de Ayodhya, deja de permanecer en el reino y vive en los bosques para cumplir una promesa hecha por su padre a su madrastra. Junto con Él va su esposa, Sita y su hermano menor Lakshmana.

Ravana, el rey asura del reino de Lanka, embelesado por la belleza de Sita, la secuestra. Rama y su hermano con la ayuda de los monos, incluido Hanuman, rescatan a su esposa en el día de Vijayotsava, para volver a Ayodhya, su reino, pues ya había cumplido la promesa del padre.
Con Ravana muerto, los Rishis y semidioses se sentían bendecidos y tenían la tranquilidad que no disfrutaban desde hacía mucho tiempo. Para celebrar esta victoria, en la noche una enorme efigie de Ravana es quemada en la hoguera, seguida de una exhibición de fuegos artificiales.