
December 9, 2012. Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura, disappearance

About four miles west of Katwa, within the Barddhaman district is Sri Khanda, the birthplace of Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Sri Mukunda Dasa, Sri Madhava Dasa and Sri Narahari Dasa were brothers. Sri Mukunda's son was Sri Raghunandana Thakura.

Sri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami mentions the devotees of Sri Khanda as a major branch of the Caitanya tree of Krishna-prema (CC Adi 10:78-79): "The residents of Sri Khanda include Mukunda Dasa, Sri Raghunandana, Narahari Dasa, Chiranjiva and Sulochana. All of them together form a major branch of the Sri Caitanya tree. As such they were an abode of the Lord's mercy. This branch produced the fruits and flowers of bhakti in profusion."

Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura was connected with many of Mahaprabhu's pastimes. Narahari Chakravarti Thakura writes in Bhakti Ratnakara: "Sri Narahari Thakura's glories are wonderful. In Vrindavana he was Madhumati, and his excellences are boundless."
Sri Locana Dasa Thakura was a dear disciple of Narahari Sarakara Thakura. In his Caitanya Mangala he describes his gurudeva as follows: "Sri Narahari Dasa is my Lord. He has taught me transcendental knowledge, and I am under his influence in many other ways. 

His abundant Krishna-prema saturates his very being; its symptoms are clearly evident in his body. No one can understand the extent of his devotion and Krishna-prema. In his former existence in Vrindavana he was known as Madhumati, a dear gopi friend of Sri Radha who was a storehouse of sweetness. That very sakhi friend of Sri Radha appeared in the pastimes of Sri Gauranga during the age of Kali as Narahari. He was a stores house of Radha-Krishna prema."

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has mentioned Narahari Sarakara in his Gaura-Aroti song: 

narahari adi kori chamara dulaya,
sanjaya mukunda vasughosh adi gaya

Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura was as great a singer as he was a poet. He wrote many poems and songs in connection with the pastimes of Sri Gauranga and Sri Nityananda. He has written a Sanskrit book of songs called Sri Bhajanamrita. A book of songs called Padakalpataru, describing intense separation from Sri Gauranga has been attributed to Narahari Sarakara Thakura, as have some other books. 

Almost all of the songs of Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura have been included in Bhakti Ratnakara by Narahari Chakravarti Thakura. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to tell just which parts of Bhakti Ratnakara are the songs of Narahari Sarakara being quoted by Narahari Chakravarti, and which parts have been written by Narahari Chakravarti Thakura. 

By the same token it is hard to say exactly which songs of Gaura-lila included in Bhakti Ratnakara are written by Narahari Sarakara Thakura. What complicates this is that both authors bear the same name and often end a song simply by saying "This song was sung by Narahari." This has led to a degree of confusion about the specific authorship of certain parts of the work, although both Naraharis are great devotees and Bhakti Ratnakara is revered as an authorized Vaishnava scripture describing the lives of the great Vaishnava saints.

Srila Locana Dasa Thakura has written "Before the birth of Sri Gauranga many different ragas were written by Narahari which sang of Vraja-rasa." Before he wrote songs of Gauranga, Narahari Sarakara Thakura composed many songs glorifying Krishna. Srila Narahari Sarakara Thakura passed away on the Krishna ekadashi (the eleventh day of the dark moon) in the month of Agrahayana.

A unas cuatro millas al oeste de Katwa, en el distrito Barddhaman es Sri Khanda, el lugar de nacimiento de Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Sri Mukunda Dasa, Sri Madhava Dasa y Sri Dasa Narahari eran hermanos. Hijo Sri Mukunda fue Raghunandana Sri Thakura.
Sri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami menciona los devotos de Sri Khanda como una rama principal del árbol Caitanya de Krishna-prema (CC Adi 10:78-79): "Los habitantes de Sri Mukunda Dasa Khanda, Raghunandana Lanka, Dasa Narahari, Chiranjiva y Sulochana. Todos ellos juntos forman una gran rama del árbol de Sri Chaitanya. Como tales, eran la morada de la misericordia del Señor. Esta rama ha producido los frutos y las flores del bhakti en abundancia. "
Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura estaba conectado con muchos de los pasatiempos de Mahaprabhu. Narahari Chakravarti Thakura escribe en Bhakti Ratnakara: "las glorias de Sri Narahari Thakura son maravillosas en Vrindavana era Madhumati, y sus excelencias son ilimitadas.".
Sri Locana Dasa Thakura fue discípulo amado de Narahari Sarakara Thakura. En su Caitanya Mangala describe su gurudeva como sigue: "Sri Dasa Narahari es mi Señor me ha enseñado el conocimiento trascendental, y estoy bajo su influencia de muchas otras maneras su abundante Krishna-prema satura su propio ser, sus síntomas.. claramente evidente en su cuerpo. Nadie puede comprender el alcance de su devoción y Krishna prema. En su anterior existencia en Vrindavana era conocido como Madhumati, una querido amiga gopi de Sri Radha, que era un almacén de dulzura. Esa mismo amiga sakhi de Sri Radha apareció en los pasatiempos de Sri Gauranga durante la era de Kali como Narahari. Era una casa tiendas de Radha-Krishna prema. "
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura ha mencionado Narahari Sarakara en su Gaura-aroti:
                                                 Narahari adi kori chamara dulaya,
                                              sanjaya mukunda vasughosh adi gaya

Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura era tan grande como un cantante que era un poeta. Él escribió muchos poemas y canciones en relación con los pasatiempos de Sri Gauranga y Nityananda Lanka. Ha escrito un libro sánscrito de canciones llamado Sri Bhajanamrita. Un libro de canciones llamadas Padakalpataru, describiendo la intensa separación de Sri Gauranga se ha atribuido a Narahari Sarakara Thakura, al igual que algunos otros libros.
Casi todas las canciones de Sri Narahari Sarakara Thakura se han incluido en el Bhakti Ratnakara por Narahari Chakravarti Thakura. Por lo tanto, a veces es difícil decir exactamente qué partes del Bhakti Ratnakara son las canciones de Narahari Sarakara ser citados por Narahari Chakravarti, y que las partes han sido escritas por Narahari Chakravarti Thakura. Por la misma razón, es difícil decir exactamente qué canciones de Gaura-lila incluido en el Bhakti Ratnakara son escritos por Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Lo que complica esto es que ambos autores llevan el mismo nombre y con frecuencia terminan una canción simplemente diciendo "Esta canción fue cantada por Narahari". Esto ha dado lugar a cierta confusión sobre la autoría específica de ciertas partes de la obra, aunque ambos Naraharis son grandes devotos y Bhakti Ratnakara es venerado como una escritura autorizada Vaishnava describir las vidas de los santos Vaisnavas grandes.
Srila Locana Dasa Thakura ha escrito "Antes del nacimiento de Sri Gauranga diferentes ragas muchos fueron escritos por Narahari que cantaba de Vraja-rasa". Antes de que él escribió canciones de Gauranga, Narahari Sarakara Thakura compuso muchas canciones que glorifican a Krishna. Srila Thakura Narahari Sarakara falleció el Ekadasi Krishna (el undécimo día de la luna oscura) en el mes de Agrahayana.