
Octobert 25 Disappearance. Sri Vasudeva Ghosh

The three brothers, Sri Vasudeva Ghosa, Sri Madhava Ghosa and Sri Govinda Ghosa were very expert singers. Sri Nityananda Prabhu Himself would dance as they sang. [C.B. Antya 5.259]

According to some, their maternal uncle's house was in the village of Buron (or Burangi) in Sylhet (Srihatta). Their father later took up residence at Kumarahatta. After residing there for some time, the three brothers came to live at Navad­vipa.

They were born in the family of uttara-radhiya Kayasthas, and were very intimate associates of Sri Sri Nitai-Gauranga. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur states that they are immediate expansions of Srimati Radhika's body.

All three of them composed very sweet songs describing the lilas of Sri Gaurasundar and Sri Krsna. They have particularly described the childhood pastimes of Gaura Hari, His sankirtana pastimes and acceptance of sannyasa, as well as descriptions of the beauty of Sri Nityananda prabhu.

According to Gaur-ganoddesa-dipika, Sri Govinda, Sri Madhava and Sri Vasudeva were in Vraja-lila as Kalavati, Rasollasa and Guntinga (Guntungi) Sakhis.

Vasudeva and Madhava were sent with Nityananda to preach in Bengal. Govinda stayed for some time with Mahaprabhu at Nilacal.

Every year they would come to Puri to see Mahaprabhu and perform kirtana during Ratha-yatra. Later in life they took up residences at different places. Sri Govinda lived in Agradvip, Sri Madhava in Dainhat and Sri Vasudeva in Tamluk.

Vasudeva Ghosh, un asociado íntimo del Señor Caitanya, era conocido por sus kirtanas. El Sri Caitanya-caritamrta dice que cuando Vasudeva Ghosh llevaba el kirtana, hasta una piedra se derretía al oírlo. Él compuso muchas canciones sobre Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Vasudeva Ghosh y sus hermanos, Govinda y Madhava, son asociados eternos del Señor Caitanya y del Señor Nityananda Prabhu.
En los pasatiempos de Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu, una de las principales gopis de Srimati Radharani, una de las asta-sakhis de Vrndavana, apareció como Vasudeva Ghosh. En aprecio al descenso de Mahaprabhu, él dice: "¿Cómo podría mantener mi vida si Gauranga Mahaprabhu no hubiera descendido? Si no me hubiera puesto en contacto con Mahaprabhu, ¿cómo podría vivir? Eso es tan próximo a la vida, a la vitalidad. Es la vitalidad de la vitalidad. Si no hubiera entrado en contacto con esta potente vitalidad, habría sido acabado". En esta forma, nuestra intimidad puede complacer a Sriman Mahaprabhu. Vasudeva Ghosh dijo, "Si no se me hubiera extendido ese néctar, no habría podido vivir. Habría sido completamente imposible continuar con mi existencia".
De acuerdo al Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, Govinda Ghosh, Madhava Ghosh, y Vasudeva Ghosh, son Gopis de Vrindavana cuyos nombres son: Kalavati, Rasolasa y Gunatunga Sakhi.