
June 14, 2016 Appearance Srimati Gangamata Gosvamini

Gangamata Goswamini was the daughter of King NARESA Narayana, Bengal. Since she showed deep devotion to Krishna. Refusing to marry and renouncing his kingdom, he went in search of a bona fide spiritual master. In Vrndavana she accepted Haridasa Pandita as her guru and took instructions from him. Executing severe austerities, she wore only rags and begged food door to door. By order of his guru, he went to Jagannatha Puri, where a great preacher and guru it became. Hundreds of people attended her discourses on Srimad-Bhagavatam and many people, including brahmanas, Lord Jagannatha's priests and even the king, accepted her as spiritual master.

Gangamata Goswamini era la hija del rey Naresa Narayana, de Bengala. Desde niña mostró una profunda devoción a Krishna. Rehusando casarse y renunciando a su reino, fue en busca de un maestro espiritual fidedigno. En Vrndavana, ella aceptó a Haridasa Pandita como su guru y recibió instrucciones de él. Ejecutando austeridades severas, ella se vestía apenas con harapos y mendigaba comida de puerta en puerta. Por orden de su guru, fue a Jagannatha Puri, donde se tornó una gran predicadora y guru. Centenas de personas iban a sus discursos sobre el Srimad-Bhagavatam y muchas personas, incluyendo brahmanas, sacerdotes del Señor Jagannatha y hasta el rey, la aceptaron como maestro espiritual.