
May 9, 2013. Sri Gadadhara Pandita appearance

Sri Gadadhar was the consant companion of Mahaprabhu from the time of their childhood. His father's name was Sri Madhva Misra and his mother's name Sri Ratnavati-devi. They lived very near the house of Sri Jagannatha Misra in Mayapura. Ratnavati-devi thought of Saci-devi as her own sister, and always used to visit her.
During their childhood, Sri Gaura Hari and Gadadhara would play together, sometimes at Mahaprabhu's house and sometimes at Gadadhara's house. They both studied together at the sameschool. Gadadhara was a few years younger then Nimai. Nimai couldn't remain without Gadadhara even for a moment and Gadadhara likewise couldn't stand to be separated from Nimai.
In the Gaur-ganoddesa-dipika, it is described that that person who in Vraja was the daughter of Sri Vrsabhanu Raja, namely Srimati Radharani, is now celebrated as Sri Gadadhara Pandita.
Srila Svarupa Damodara has written in his diary: avani sura bavah Sri Panditakhyo jatindrah / sa khalo bhavati Radha Srila Gauravataro.
Sri Vasudeva Ghosa Thakura has also written:
Agam agocar gora akhil brahma-par, veda upar, najane pasandi mati bhora Nitya-nityananda Caitanya Govinda Pandit Gadadhar Radhe Caitanya yugala-rupa kebol raser kup avatar sadsiva sadhe Antare nave-ghana bahire gaura tanu yugalrupa parkase Kahe Vasudeva Ghose yugal bhajan base janame janame rahu asa "Lord Gaurasundara, who is beyond the perview of the scriptures, beyond the entire Brahman, and above even the Vedas, can never be known by the atheists whose intelligence is dull. Lord Nityananda is His eternal self. Lord Caitanya is Lord Govinda Himself and Pandita Gadadhara is none other than Sri Radha. The divine couple, who are present in Sri Caitanya, are a well of rasa. Advaita Acarya (Sadasiva) has prayed for His descent.
Within He is blackish but of a golden hue without, the manifestation of the divine couple. Thus Vasudeva Ghosa sings of the beauty of this divine couple - Sri Gaura-Gadadhara - in whose worship he has been completely subjugated. He prays that he will desire to serve them birth after birth."
Gadadhara Pandita es considerado una encarnación de Srimati Radharani, la consorte eterna de Sri Krishna. En este día se ayuna hasta el mediodía. "Gadadhara Pandita, se describe como una encarnación de la potencia de placer del Señor Krishna. Nadie, por tanto, puede igualarle"

Significado: En los versos 147 al 153 del Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika se afirma: "La potencia de placer del Señor Krishna, conocida antaño como Vrindavanesvari, está ahora personificada en la forma del Señor Gadadhara Pandita en los pasatiempos del Señor Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

En 1487, asociado íntimo de Sri Caitanya, un año menor que Él. Advino como Sri Advaita y Sri Srivasa en Sylhet, Bangladesh. Discípulo de Pundarika Vidyanidi. (Encarnación de Srimati Radharani). Caitanya Mahaprabhu es siempre adorado con Sus asociados confidenciales, que son colectivamente conocidos como Pancha Tattva. El mismo está constituido por: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios; Nityananda Prabhu, la encarnación del Señor Balarama; Advaita Acarya, la encarnación combinada de Sada Siva y Maha-Visnu; Gadadhara Pandita, la personificación de los devotos íntimos del Señor, tales como Srimati Radharani y las Gopis; y Srivasa Pandita que es la personificación de su devoto puro.

Gadadhara Pandita pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Jagannatha Puri, adorando la Deidad de Tota-Gopinatha, la cual aún es adorada en Puri. Gadadhara Pandita es considerado una encarnación de Srimati Radharani, la consorte eterna de Sri Krishna. Vea el Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 10.15 y 16.130 a 148.
Sri Gadadhara era el compañero constante de Mahaprabhu desde la época de su niñez. El nombre de su padre era Sri Madhva Misra y el de su madre Sri Ratnavati-devi. Vivieron muy cerca de la casa de Sri Jagannatha Misra adentro Mayapura. Ratnavati-devi sentía a Saci-devi como su propia hermana, y siempre la visitaban.

“Gadadhara Pandita es famoso en todo el mundo por su amable conducta, sus cualidades brahmínicas y la firmeza de su amor por Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu”