Ganga Mata Goswamini was initiated in the line of Gauranga’s shakti,
Srila Gadadhara Pandit Goswami, by Hari Das Pandit Goswami. Krishnadas
Kaviraj Goswami himself has described this Hari Das’s character in his
Chaitanya Charitamrita:
The chief servitor of the Govinda temple was Sri Hari Das Pandit. His qualities and fame are known all over the world; he was gentle, tolerant, peaceful, magnanimous, grave, sweet in his words, and very sober in his endeavors. He was respectful to everyone and worked for the benefit of all. Diplomacy, envy and jealousy were unknown to his heart.The fifty general qualities of Lord Krishna were all present in his body… Ananta Acharya, a disciple of Gadadhara Pandit, was always absorbed in love of Godhead, magnanimous and advanced in all respects. He was a reservoir of all good qualities. No one can estimate how great he was. Pandit Hari Das was his beloved disciple.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.8.54-7, 59-60)
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur writes in his Anubhashya: “During the advent of Lord Sri Krishna, Ananta Acharya was Sudevi, one of the eight gopis. This is stated in the Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika, verse 165, as follows: ‘Ananta Acharya Goswami was formerly Sudevi-gopi in Vraja [Vrindavan].’ According to the disciplic succession descending from him at the famous Ganga-mata monastery, he is known as Vinoda manjari. One of his disciples was Hari Das Pandit Goswami, who is also known as Sri Raghu Gopal and as Sri Rasa manjari. He had two important disciples: Lakshmipriya and her niece, Ganga-mata, daughter of the Raja of Puntiya.”
More is learned about Ganga-mata’s holy life from Hari Das Das’s Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana and, in more detail, from Sundarananda Vidyavinoda’s Shrikshetra, where an elaborate account is given.
Gangamata Goswamini era la hija del rey Naresa Narayana, de Bengala. Desde niña mostró una profunda devoción a Krishna. Rehusando casarse y renunciando a su reino, fue en busca de un maestro espiritual fidedigno. En Vrndavana, ella aceptó a Haridasa Pandita como su guru y recibió instrucciones de él. Ejecutando austeridades severas, ella se vestía apenas con harapos y mendigaba comida de puerta en puerta. Por orden de su guru, fue a Jagannatha Puri, donde se tornó una gran predicadora y guru. Centenas de personas iban a sus discursos sobre el Srimad-Bhagavatam y muchas personas, incluyendo brahmanas, sacerdotes del Señor Jagannatha y hasta el rey, la aceptaron como maestro espiritual.
The chief servitor of the Govinda temple was Sri Hari Das Pandit. His qualities and fame are known all over the world; he was gentle, tolerant, peaceful, magnanimous, grave, sweet in his words, and very sober in his endeavors. He was respectful to everyone and worked for the benefit of all. Diplomacy, envy and jealousy were unknown to his heart.The fifty general qualities of Lord Krishna were all present in his body… Ananta Acharya, a disciple of Gadadhara Pandit, was always absorbed in love of Godhead, magnanimous and advanced in all respects. He was a reservoir of all good qualities. No one can estimate how great he was. Pandit Hari Das was his beloved disciple.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.8.54-7, 59-60)
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur writes in his Anubhashya: “During the advent of Lord Sri Krishna, Ananta Acharya was Sudevi, one of the eight gopis. This is stated in the Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika, verse 165, as follows: ‘Ananta Acharya Goswami was formerly Sudevi-gopi in Vraja [Vrindavan].’ According to the disciplic succession descending from him at the famous Ganga-mata monastery, he is known as Vinoda manjari. One of his disciples was Hari Das Pandit Goswami, who is also known as Sri Raghu Gopal and as Sri Rasa manjari. He had two important disciples: Lakshmipriya and her niece, Ganga-mata, daughter of the Raja of Puntiya.”
More is learned about Ganga-mata’s holy life from Hari Das Das’s Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana and, in more detail, from Sundarananda Vidyavinoda’s Shrikshetra, where an elaborate account is given.
Gangamata Goswamini era la hija del rey Naresa Narayana, de Bengala. Desde niña mostró una profunda devoción a Krishna. Rehusando casarse y renunciando a su reino, fue en busca de un maestro espiritual fidedigno. En Vrndavana, ella aceptó a Haridasa Pandita como su guru y recibió instrucciones de él. Ejecutando austeridades severas, ella se vestía apenas con harapos y mendigaba comida de puerta en puerta. Por orden de su guru, fue a Jagannatha Puri, donde se tornó una gran predicadora y guru. Centenas de personas iban a sus discursos sobre el Srimad-Bhagavatam y muchas personas, incluyendo brahmanas, sacerdotes del Señor Jagannatha y hasta el rey, la aceptaron como maestro espiritual.